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Video suggests Gen X is the last great generation

1.3K 2 months ago Report

We are the last of the great generations! If you think about it, it's kinda true. We saw the start of the Internet and that changed just about everything. Generation X, often abbreviated as Gen X, refers to the demographic cohort following the baby boomers and preceding the Millennials. They are typically born between 1965 and 1980. Here's a bit about them:

  • Cultural Traits: Gen X is known for being independent, resourceful, and resilient. They grew up during a time of shifting societal values and technological advancements.

  • Work Ethic: Often seen as hardworking and valuing a good work-life balance, many in Gen X have experienced both the traditional and modern workplace.

  • Pop Culture Influence: Gen Xers were the driving force behind the rise of grunge music, the early days of hip-hop, and the golden age of video gaming.

  • Technological Transition: They witnessed the transition from analog to digital technology, making them the first generation to grow up with personal computers and early internet.

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