Woman with bizarre research job freaks out over Trump cuts
1 day ago
A woman was seen very irritated that cuts made by the Trump administration caused her job to no longer exist. After hearing what her job was, people on social media couldn't believe her job was real. Some folks believed her job was a parody or SNL skit, but then they realized she was serious. This is the type of stuff that the government was wasting money on. Collin Rugg quoted her on X:
"I was told to stop work immediately and that no more research expenditures would be allowed. My study is to explore how to safely collect s*xual orientation and gender identity and cancer care practices."
"... We need better data to create better clinical guidelines for lesbian, gay, bis*xual, transgender, queer, and inters*x people."
"My research was terminated as a result of the president's executive orders."
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