
How is Maxine Waters worth millions on a salary of $174k

6.6K 4 weeks ago Report

How did Maxine Waters get so wealthy on a salary of $174k? Someone like new attorney general Pam Bondi should investigate the politicians like Maxine Waters who work on a set salary, yet somehow find ways to own multiple properties and have a net worth that's in the millions. What has Maxine Waters accomplished all these years working as a politician?

The FinBold website discussed Maxine Waters' jobs, her assets, and even her accusations of corruption dating back many years. But how come it seems like no one ever investigates the wealthy politicians who seem to do the bare minimum at their job, but somehow get filthy rich? There must be something going on. FinBold reported this:

Maxine Waters has been accused of corruption. In 2004, the Los Angeles Times reported that Waters’ relatives, including her husband, made more than $1 million doing business with companies and individuals that Waters supported. In fact, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington included Waters on their list of corrupt Congresspeople in their 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2011 reports.


She was also under investigation for ethics violation in 2008 due to her efforts to grant federal aid to OneUnited Bank, where her husband was a director and a stockholder. However, the House Ethics Committee cleared her of all charges in 2012. 

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