
Andrew McCabe says the FBI is in 'utter disarray' and living in 'terror'

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Looks like Andrew McCabe aged quite a bit with his politically charged graying hair and white face. Collin Rugg reported on X: 

JUST IN: Former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe says the FBI is in "utter disarray" thanks to Trump, says they are living in "terror" because their pensions, healthcare, and retirement are at risk.


"I've talked to more FBI people in the last 4 days than I did in the prior 4 years."


"It is a place in utter disarray right now. People are worried about how am I going to pay the bills? How am I gonna support my family?"


"If you get fired, you're done. That's the end of your reputation, your ability to get any job, you lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance."


"This is a moment of terror for these people." 

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