Rep. Jasmine Crockett could be one of the dumbest politicians in history
Rep. Jasmine Crockett is consistently acting in embarrassing ways and constantly getting things wrong. She's proving to be one of the dumbest politicians we've seen in recent history. The best part of her stupidity is that we're in the modern technology era and things are now being caught on video. To make it even easier for us, she's so bad at being a politician that she's tweeting things that are incorrect, just so she can take a dig at President Donald Trump.
This week the world watched a Black Hawk helicopter fly directly into a regional airplane, killing 60+ people in a collision above the Potomac River. Jasmine Crockett, who's often too busy putting on fake eyelashes, was so quick to post something anti-Trump that she got the whole thing wrong.
She said this: "No one knows what caused last night's tragic crash outside DCA. Investigations are ongoing, and no one - not Donald Trump or anyone else - should be drawing conclusions until all the facts have been released. But here is what we do know. On his first day in office, Donald Trump froze the hiring of federal employees—including air traffic controllers..."
You'd think someone who's a politician would know what's going on, but she doesn't. She never has a clue. She's a DEI politician.