Bernie Sanders ADMITS taking millions from pharmaceutical industry
4 weeks ago
RFK Jr says, "Bernie, you have accepted millions of dollars from the Pharmaceutical industry. In 2020 you were the single largest receiver of Pharmaceutical dollars. $1.5M" Bernie Sanders tried to push back, saying it was all from small contributors. Then RFK JR was more specific, stating the year - and Bernie ADMITS taking millions, but tried to play it off like it was only a small portion of the millions he received.
Bernie received millions from the pharmaceutical industry, that's just a fact. It doesn't matter if it's a large or small amount in comparison to his other contributions. The fact is that Bernie Sanders accepted money from them. Stuff like this needs to be rooted out of our government.
Bernie received millions from the pharmaceutical industry, that's just a fact. It doesn't matter if it's a large or small amount in comparison to his other contributions. The fact is that Bernie Sanders accepted money from them. Stuff like this needs to be rooted out of our government.
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