
Two PA Dems propose removing sex from birth certificates

Two PA Dems propose removing sex from birth certificates

674 1 month ago Report

It only took one proposal to know that these two Pennsylvania Democrats should be voted out of the existence of politics. Democrat state reps Benjamin Sanchez and Joe Webster proposed a bill that would remove a person's sex from their birth certificate in hopes to reduce potential discrimination. Let's see what the report says:

According to the lawmakers, bureaucratic roadblocks make the process of changing categories like sex on birth certificates. The legislation intends to remove such roadblocks by removing the category as a whole.


A recommendation from the American Medical Association said that removing sex designations on birth certificates would prevent potential issues individuals face by having a different gender identity than on the document, according to the proposed bill.

Birth certificates currently exclude race from birth certificate applications, which the representatives behind the proposed bill claim have had no impact on the documents’ original intention.


“We urge you to join us in co-sponsoring this bill to take a simple step to ensure Pennsylvania bureaucracy is not a barrier to any Pennsylvanians living their lives authentically,” said the lawmakers.

Nope. No chance we support this. Birth certificates should say the sex the person was born as. It's a BIRTH certificate. The information on it are FACTS which do not care about how a person feels. Leave the birth certificates alone and stop wasting our time with brain rot proposals.

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