"My show had value..." - Joy Reid must be confused after being fired from MSNBC
14 hours ago
Disgraced Joy Reid got fired from MSNBC and was already shedding crocodile tears. She thought her show had value, but it was really just her groveling over issues, sparking racial tensions with race bait, and constantly complaining about Donald Trump. Seriously folks, who wants to sit there and watch that? Joy Reid said: "My show had value...whether it was the Black Lives Matter issues...We need to understand 1619 as the real founding of this country...Gaza...the American people have a right to object to little babies being bombed...those things are of God...I'm just proud of my show."
What was there to be proud of? Joy Reid's show was very divisive and never made anyone feel good about watching it. Just another bad talk show that couldn't stand on its own - or it would have. When you get canceled from MSNBC, that's just bad.
What was there to be proud of? Joy Reid's show was very divisive and never made anyone feel good about watching it. Just another bad talk show that couldn't stand on its own - or it would have. When you get canceled from MSNBC, that's just bad.
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