Democrat admits they 'want noncitizens to be counted' in elections
1 week ago
This is another example of why people are flocking to vote for Republicans. The Democrat in this video admits they want to use noncitizens in American elections, but that would probably be considering cheating or illegal - or both. Imagine you took a trip to Russia - would you be allowed to vote there? No. Same thing applies in America. If you're not a citizen, then you don't get to vote. The conversation went like this:
Chair: "You want noncitizens to be counted in terms of determining the representation for elected officials here at the Capitol... I assume the US Capitol as well. Is that incorrect?" -
"It is absolutely correct." - Priya Sundareshan (D)
Hoffman: "Let the record reflect then that you just said it was correct that you want noncitizens to be counted."
Sundareshan: "YEAH!
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