DNC Vice Chair David Hogg accused of funneling money for his own use

6 days ago
DNC Vice Chair David Hogg accused of funneling money for his own use
Democrats are already sick of David Hogg after one top leader accused the skinny boy of using DNC contacts to funnel money to his own PAC, which appears to be a conflict of interest. A report on NY Post stated the following:

Barely two weeks into his tenure, Hogg has been leveraging DNC contact lists to blast out messages soliciting donations to his own political action committee — from which he draws more than $100,000 in compensation a year, according to Federal Election Commission records.
“David Hogg here: I was just elected DNC Vice Chair! This is a huge win for our movement to make the Democratic Party more reflective of our base: youthful, energetic, and ready to win,” reads one of eight texts he sent out to the DNC’s vast database of phone numbers.
“David Hogg — talk about living up to your name. A trough of DNC dollars all for him and he doesn’t seem to give an oink,” a top Democrat grumbled to The Post.