USAID funded college tuition for future high al Qaeda terrorist

3 weeks ago
USAID funded college tuition for future high al Qaeda terrorist
Researchers and reporters are revealing more horrifying expenses, and it shows they funded tuition for a future al Qaeda terrorist. Catherine Herridge reported:

Looks like USAID supported college tuition for Anwar Aulaqi (Awlaki) who later became a high level al Qaeda terrorist.
Aulaqi falsely claimed he was born in Yemen to secure the financial help via the State Dept. when he was actually a US citizen, born in Las Cruces New Mexico.
Aulaqi would later develop close ties with several 9/11 hijackers and attain leadership status in AQ's Yemen affiliate.
Aulaqi was the godfather of the digital jihad that leveraged his writings and the web to radicalize Americans to AQ's cause.
Aulaqi became the first American targeted for death by the CIA. In 2011, he was killed in a US drone strike.
Good catch @browne_pamela
Via @intelwire