James Pinkerton made a big statement about America, and if there’s anyone who might know a thing or two, it’s this guy! He’s a former White House domestic policy aide who worked under former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
Pinkerton penned an opinion column for Daily Caller that discussed his thoughts on things and he started off with a phrase Ronald Reagan used to describe our wonderful country. Despite the current state of America, with the people in the White House running things into the ground and having people like word-salad-tossing Kamala Harris who doesn’t really do much, or hiring lipstick wearing luggage thieves that make America the laughing stock of the country – Pinkerton still has hope for the future and so should everyone else. After all, it’s America. We’re resilient and we stand together when we need to.
Pinkerton’s piece started off like this…
“The last best hope for man on earth.” Ronald Reagan used that phrase many times to describe the United States. Our 40th president was on to something. So let’s imagine a talented young person in the world today, looking for hope. Or someone with money to invest. What’s the country that will best receive brains and ambition? Or best allow for the growth of capital? If we spin the globe in search of prospective homes, our eye is likely to return to the country that Reagan, in his time, made even greater.
Just think about the changes you’d like to see in America. Think about the policies that candidates present. Think about the lies that other candidates sold people on. You still have those school loans, right? Think about the promises people make and then compare those promises to reality and how many of those promises are just lies that candidates sell us to get our votes.
No matter how you vote in the next election, take a look at America right now and think – is this the best we got, or are we headed in a terrible direction that needs to be changed for the better?
If there’s one thing I can tell you, then it’s this – I don’t care who you vote for and I won’t ever ask. I only want people to look around and vote with their mind, not with their emotions, and not based on false-promises that candidates can’t ever deliver. Think about your future, your wallet, and your friends and families.
With sports, we don’t care about who votes for who. We care about things like the Eagles kicking the Cowboys ass. We’re all in this together and we’re keeping most of the politics and social justice out of things, but sometimes things just come up that we really do need to talk about. And with that, we will talk and come to our own decisions, and we will respect each other for making those decisions, and we will see each other and cheer for our favorite teams together like we always do.
Politics is important, but on social media it’s a total division tool that candidates use to win talking points and pit spark divisive rhetoric. When it all comes down to it, politicians end up being bad people and most of them don’t get anything done.
Let’s always make sure to respect each other and remain united together. Because when you think about it, it’s really all of us vs them.
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