LOL! That’s the first thing I did when I saw Princeton students were going on a hunger strike for Palestine. You think anyone over in Palestine is watching these students right now? No, they’re too busy being in a military conflict with Israel. All the people fighting overseas are too busy trying to survive, so they don’t have time to worry about privileged college students in America going on hunger strikes.

As soon as the video above hit the Internet, everyone started laughing. You know these hunger strikes aren’t real. These folks will be eating when the camera is off. What is it with these protesters? It’s like they do anything but go to class. And why do the protesters have demands? They’re not even part of the war overseas? If you want to be part of that conflict, then fly over there and get involved. No one here in America really cares about it to be honest.

I’m personally sick of hearing about it. Let them fight overseas and figure out their own problems. We’ve got so many things we need to fix in America that I’m only concerned with my own country moving forward.  Can we get the homeless off the streets? Can we clean up the Democrat cities and their failing cultures? Can we get the junkies some help? Get we get men out of women’s sports? Can we at least start at fixing potholes in a timely manner? There’s so many other things we can fix HERE, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, that I can’t do anything but laugh at the protesters acting like they’re important. You’re not important.

The people at war, dying in attacks – they were important. You, the protester in your little tent, who gets to go back to their dorm room and live off a meal plan in the cafeteria – you can f*ck right off, on both sides of this. You’re all annoying to me. Stop wasting your college days yelling in the streets like an idiot and go make the best of your opportunity. Get back to class and make something out of your lives, this way if I have to pay for your loan one day – at least it’s worth it.

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