Gotta love it when Democrat Nancy Pelosi snaps on people. Get those Jack Nicholson memes ready, because Nancy Pelosi can’t handle the truth!  Pelosi was talking to MSNBC anchor Katy Tur when Pelosi didn’t like what she was saying. Pelosi tried to say Katy Tur was an ‘apologist’ for Donald Trump.

This got heated when Pelosi tried saying Donald Trump had the “worst record of job loss of any president” – but then Katy Tur reminded Pelosi there was this thing called the PAN-FREAKING-DEMIC that happened near the end of Trump’s presidency, so clearly people were out of work during that time. People were literally on lock-down and losing jobs because of it. But Pelosi didn’t care about the facts. She tried saying Katy Tur was an apologist for Trump. Pelosi said: “If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but it ain’t mine.”

No, Nancy, there really was something that took place that caused people to be out of work and forced to stay home. Katy Tur put Pelosi in her place though. Katy Tur was like nope! Not today! And Katy said: “I don’t think anyone can accuse me of that.”

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