Did not see this coming, but maybe we should have. He might be a Democrat, but he’s still an American, and NYC Mayor Adams ripped the anti-American protesters a new one! He’s all for protesting peacefully, but he draws the line when protesters put up flags from other countries. Mayor Adams is like “not in my town” and good for him. He said: “It’s despicable that schools would allow another country’s flag to fly in our country. We’re not surrendering our way of life to anyone.” His uncle died defending this country, so any disrespect to the American flag is disrespect to the man and women who fight or fought for this land.
Thank you, Mayor Adams, for standing up for your country. Now if you would just clean up New York City and eliminate as much crime as possible, find a way to reduce real estate and rent, and make it possible for people to afford living in New York City, then maybe more people would move there. Then again, there’s over 8 million people in the city – but it’s shrinking, according to reports. Imagine living in a city that big and not even noticing the 78,000 that allegedly left the city.
If Mayor Adams became tougher on crime and cleaned up NYC, then he might become a well-liked Democrat. This is in his control. Let’s see if he can pull it off. If not, then people will just scold Mayor Adams on a plane – and honestly, that video had me cracking up big time!
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