Democrats keep stacking up losses and failures, day after day, at the border, in supreme court, and almost every other way you can think of. So what do Democrats do? Instead of fixing the problems, the Democrats are turning to propaganda and pushing nonsense in hopes to brainwash Americans. Democrats keep pushing the propaganda to the masses in forms of public speaking, television appearances, and simply melting down on mainstream programs. Here’s a few examples of Democrats pushing nonsense to Americans:
The Supreme Court voted unanimously to keep Donald Trump on the ballot in Colorado. You want to know why? Because keeping a former president off a ballot is actually the opposite of Democracy. But, Democrats will be all over social media and the mainstream media saying it’s bad. They will say the judges favor Trump. No, in reality, the judges favor reality. It’s OUR decision as Americans to decide who we vote for. That’s Democracy.
Joe Biden and Mayorkas’ failures at the border are so hard to ignore that even a host on CNN has to ask if it was their plan to basically let America be flooded by illegals. At this point, it’s not a handful of people crossing the border illegally in the middle of the night. It’s, for lack of better words, an invasion – and no one in Joe Biden’s administration has stopped it. It’s been several years of this nonsense and clearly they have no interest in stopping it. Now Americans believe the Democrats are letting it happen on purpose in hopes to convert them to Democrat voters. And let’s be honest here – America can’t afford this and we the people don’t want to pay for this either. But don’t you worry, the Democrats will find a way to push this into the propaganda machine.
Just when you think mainstream media can’t become any more of a joke, there’s MSNBC who brings on Michael Moore to talk about a real world conflict. Hold on, doesn’t Michael Moore make movies and stuff? Soooooo why is MSNBC having him on and asking about this stuff? It’s because Moore is a total leftist and fits the narrative for the propaganda push. However, this is like asking Richard Simmons to talk about immigration. It makes no sense for the topic itself, but I guess Richard Simmons is good at exercise and running – just like people jogging cross the border!
How do we forget Merrick Garland when it comes to being totally full of sh*t and pushing the propaganda bill. Anyone with common sense knows these two things – 1) voter ID should be required at every single election at every single election. One person. One vote. Verified by ID. That’s an honest election. And 2) getting an ID is not hard. Saying people are incapable of getting an ID is basically calling them stupid. However, Democrats will constantly speak out against voter ID. They’ll call it racist. They’ll say it discriminates. They’ll say voter ID is not needed. Actually, yes. It is needed. If I gotta show ID to buy a six-pack, but not to VOTE on who runs my country – then that’s stupid. ID SHOULD BE A MANDATORY voter requirement. Merrick Garland is pushing propaganda and even he knows it deep down inside.
Do you remember when television was pretty good? Do you remember when talk shows would just talk about random cool things and not push so much propaganda. Well, I do too. But now we’ve got hosts like Mika and Joe having Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdowns every other day. Mike and Joe had another TDS meltdown during one of their leftist anti-Trump propaganda pushes. Are they this insane in real life, or just acting on the show for a paycheck? It’s crazy to think that anyone is this wacko when they’re off the camera, but I guess it’s totally possible. But of course, I guess when you keep pushing propaganda to the public then some folks are gonna believe it. They’re going to live it out. They’re going to vote for people like Joe Biden who’s failed for several years in a row and churned out a diversity party White House that shows us exactly why things like DEI are a total joke. Enjoy watching Joe and Mike suffer the meltdown – and please, don’t be anything like them.
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