Author: Frank

Kutztown University grad running a news blog for fun. I enjoy gaming, sports, and building websites and optimizing ads for much bigger people. Eagles and Phillies fan, but I don't like anything about Joel Embiid. He can't even be on time? Bro, what's up with that?

President Donald Trump beat the impeachment and it didn’t take long for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff to come up with a new way to investigate him. Just so happens, the Democrats are doing it right in the middle of a crisis as the country suffers through a pandemic and Trump already has enough to deal with. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is requesting that there be a “9/11 style” committee who investigates the Trump administration and looks for “mistakes” being made in response to the virus. More specifically, Schiff wants “House Democrats must investigate the Trump…

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First quarter reports are in for the ratings and CNN didn’t land one single show in the top 20. The best CNN was able to do was come in 22nd place and have a few shows listed after that. The top 20 ranks were dominated by shows on Fox News who had 14 of the top 20 spots. MSNBC had the other six spots in the top 20. CNN had zero shows rank in the top 20, but were able to land five ranking shows in positions 22-26. For those in the top ranks, it was Hannity, Tucker Carlson Tonight,…

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The Police were right when they sang, “Don’t Stand So Close To Me!” According to recent reports coming out of Philly, if you’re caught outside not social distancing, well then you might catch a $100 fine! The police are now allowed to issue citations and a ticket/fine up to $100 if you’re outside breaking the stay-at-home order and standing a little too close to each other. Pennsylvania is currently under a stay-at-home order by Democrat Governor Tom Wolf. This means anyone who isn’t considered an essential worker, or isn’t doing something they think is essential, like shopping for groceries, going…

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Democrat Maxine Waters might have sore feet after wearing these shoes. Waters stands in a photograph with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and many users on social media pointed out how painful her feet look crammed in her shoes. Not only that, but Maxine Waters also tweeted something very strange and then deleted it. She said, “#kcharlamps” and many readers were confused what she was trying to say. Some suggested that she utilized her rear end to send a type, or perhaps someone took her phone. Either way, the message posted on Maxine Waters’ account made no sense. Thankfully, user Mike…

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When phase three of the current relief bill passed, it was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who admitted she didn’t get everything she wanted as she went along with a bill that basically let her down. However, that’s a good thing, because many of the demands that Democrat Pelosi had in her bill were completely unrelated to the pandemic we’re dealing with. Speaker Pelosi is pushing for even more of her leftist demands in phase four of the relief bill, many of which might be repeats of what she already asked for the first time – and many of them have…

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It’s time to prepare for the worst, according to predictions coming from the White House. They’re saying up to 100,000 to 240,000 lives could be lost from the illness that originated in China. President Trump himself is suggesting that a surge is coming, referring now to it as a plague, and wants us prepared for what he says could be a “very, very painful two weeks.” As of now, the United States has the most cases, more than any other country. We have “184,000 confirmed infections according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.” (CNBC) New York has 75,795 of…

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The Kennedy Center was slated to receive $25 million in relief funds, and shortly after the CARES Act was signed, they fired their musicians. All 96 members of the National Symphony Orchestra. The musicians were told that this week, on April 3rd, is their last check. This was sent to them via email. Many critics are asking what was the point in getting slotted for $25 million in relief if the Kennedy Center was just going to fire people anyway? Why give the Kennedy Center a $25 million taxpayer bailout just to watch people lose their job? As the drama…

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Another great company jumps in to help when America is in need. The sporting attire company known as Under Armor, who makes the clothes that keep us cool during hot workouts, has pledged to help design and manufacture masks and other gear to help medical professionals. This comes through an announcement made directly by the Under Armor company. The masks they make may not be exactly the same as the ones doctors and nurses wear, but they will be similar and could certainly be helpful in preventing the spread of the illness that originated in China. For starters, they will…

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President Donald Trump signed a $2.2 trillion relief bill for America. It’s giving people $1,200 while other places, many of them deemed very questionable, are receiving millions and people aren’t really sure why. Brent Bozell of Media Research Center posted a message that, if true, makes the relief bill that Trump signed appear even more appalling than we thought. As many people are aware, a single one time check of $1,200 will barely cover rent and utilities, let alone living expenses for many people who live in locations where the rent is much higher. Now that President Trump extended the…

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A professor has now suggested that he would reconsider being an atheist if President Donald Trump would catch the virus and pass away from it. The professor was identified as Richard Wigmans, J.F. Bucy Chair Professor at Texas Tech University by Campus Reform, who first broke the story – one which Wigmans refers to Trump as things such as “president #45.” The article states that Wigmans emailed the physics department colleagues with his prediction on how the COVID-19 will affect things and even offered his opinion on how Trump is handling the situation. At first, Campus Reform states, Wigmans email…

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If being a “Nasty Woman” was part of the job during her time helping Hillary Clinton, then this top executive who recently got fired sure fits the bill. The woman, identified as Laura Krolczyk, was fired from the Rosewell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, in Buffalo, New York, after she made sick comments, suggesting that patients give up ventilators if they are Trump supporters. Essentially, being left to die if they are diagnosed with the illness that originated from China. Krolcyzk was working as the vice president for external affairs. Apparently this all took place on Facebook, of course, where a…

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Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, has signed an executive order to keep certain inmates in jail, and prevent them from being released amid the health scare that America is dealing with. While some Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez push for the release of prisoners, Abbott is doing the opposite with the community safety in mind. AOC has previously pushed Gov Cuomo to protect elderly prisoners. Abbott’s executive order “suspends portions of state law, bars personal bonds for anyone convicted or arrested on charges involving violence or the threat of violence. Abbott also outlawed commuting the sentences of inmates convicted of such…

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This is not the first time the mainstream media has been called out for doing something like this.  CBS News is being accused of using footage from an Italian hospital while covering the situation in NYC. The evidence of this is proven when CBS aired a scene from a hospital in Italy, part of a video that was featured on Sky News, and did so while they were in the middle of a segment about New York City. This gives the audience a different view of what’s going on in NYC compared to Italy. It’s also very irresponsible to use…

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced plans to move to California and it would cost an estimated $1 million in security. President Trump says there’s no way that American taxpayers are footing the bill for this, and that the royal couple must pay for their own security. Specifically, President Trump stated, “I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They…

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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham has publicly scolded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who went on the attack against President Donald Trump. Her attack took place after he signed the CARES Act, a $2.2 trillion relief bill for America. Graham was on “Sunday Morning Futures” stating his case against Nancy Pelosi, saying that her attack on President Trump was “shameful, disgusting” and called her out. Pelosi has accused President Trump of downplaying the situation, and said that he”fiddles” while suggesting that people have lost their lives because of his actions, or inaction. She has been criticized by politicians and voters…

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There’s a new quarantine in town! Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, has put in place a mandatory self-quarantine for any travelers coming to Texas from the state of Louisiana in hopes to slow the spread of the illness that originated in China. This is an update from a recent executive order that required travelers from New Orleans to be on a 14 day quarantine during their visit to Texas, as reported by WBRZ. Here’s an excerpt from Governor Abbott’s new executive order, as provided by KTRK TV: My prior executive order about travel from New Orleans covered air travel from New…

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President Donald Trump signed the $2.2 trillion CARES Act which allocates $25 million in a taxpayer funded bailout for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Not long after that bill was signed, the Kennedy Center then announced to musicians in the National Symphony Orchestra that their last paycheck will be on April 3. There are almost 100 musicians affected by this who will not be paid after April 3. This information comes from a leaked email, per a report on Free Beacon. The email stated: “The Covid-19 Advisory Committee was broadsided today during our conversation with [Kennedy…

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New York’s Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo has now admitted that his state has a “stockpile of unused ventilators” – all after he previously complained that the American government was not providing enough. This comes after President Donald Trump stated, on Twitter, that there was plenty of ventilators in New York not even being used. Unsure of where Trump got his info from, but he said, “Thousand of Federal Government (delivered) Ventilators found in New York storage. N.Y. must distribute NOW!” Cuomo responded, according to Breitbart, saying, “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because…

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American Republicans might be upset when they learn that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her way with the relief bill as $350,000,000 was allocated for refugee and migrant assistance. Surprisingly, this is actually $50,000,000 more than what was originally requested for refugee assistance alone, as stated by the Daily Caller. The bill, which was voted on by both Democrats and Republicans unanimously, was approved, went to the House, and then signed off on by President Donald Trump. According to Daily Caller’s report, “on page 817 of the 880-page bill, the measure calls for “an additional amount for ‘Migration and Refugee…

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Former Vice President Joe Biden was on CNN talking to Anderson Cooper and made a comment about “where I taught” – despite not teaching any regular classes. This comment refers to the University of Penn who DID hire Joe Biden as a professor, however his time there was spent making appearances. Biden was paid upwards of $775,000 to do so. To show this, we look back at a local Philadelphia based news site named Philly Mag who wrote about this. Their story, titled “Penn Paid Joe Biden $775,000 to Expand Its “Global Outreach” … and Give Some Speeches” raised a…

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Many people did not expect to hear this coming from a Democratic Governor, but this is Andrew Cuomo of New York giving President Donald Trump praise for the way he’s handling the situation Americans are in right now. Cuomo says that Trump “has done a lot of good things” and “has been very helpful,” during his appearance on MSNBC with Chris Hayes. Cuomo says exactly what politicians must here – that this relationship must work for everyone. That means Democrats who dislike Trump, and vice versa, all need to come together for the greater good of the American people.

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President Donald Trump gives a short speech from a Navy ship, stating that the world is witnessing the “unyielding resolve of our incredible American people” as he refers to our ability to be very resilient in times of need. President Donald Trump is aboard a Navy ship being used as a medical station. This is located at the Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia. Trump is pushing on and keeping a positive tone with Americans while still finding time to make remarks about the Democrats and media who consistently badger him instead of presenting worthwhile content.

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The man is only 38-years-old and he’s thanking President Donald Trump for his survival after contracting the coronavirus. The man, who has no other health conditions, says the combination of treatments that Trump said might work, actually worked. His name is Jim Santilli and he gave his story to Steve Gruber, as reported by Breitbart. After giving the story and crediting Trump, Santilli then went on to criticize his own governor who was accused of threatening doctors and pharmacists if they used what Trump was talking about.  This would be Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, who is neither a scientist,…

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Here’s an ICU nurse giving a firsthand detail of what it’s like working in a hospital during a situation like this. She’s isolated from her team, there’s a massive amount of patients and not enough supplies and staff. It’s literally crazy. So basically, we need to stay home so she can get those patients better, faster!

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A South Philly mom gave former PA Governor Ed Rendell a run for his money as she pushed back hard against the proposed safe injection site. She blasted Rendell with some honesty and accused him of sneaking this into the plans. 6ABC reported: “We have made the decision to cancel plans to locate a supervised injection site at Constitution Health Plaza,” said Anthony Campisi, a spokesman for Constitution Health Plaza. According to Mayor Jim Kenney, Safehouse voluntarily delayed its opening so it could focus on meeting with the community but the building owner alerted the City that he was no…

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