Author: Frank
Kutztown University grad running a news blog for fun. I enjoy gaming, sports, and building websites and optimizing ads for much bigger people. Eagles and Phillies fan, but I don't like anything about Joel Embiid. He can't even be on time? Bro, what's up with that?
A reporter on MSNBC gets heckled and trashed on live TV. The guy in the background kept yelling things like “yo, fake news” like he was imitating Rocky calling for Adrian or something. YOOOOO FAKKKKKEEEEE NEEEWWWWWS. It’s always funny when reporters get verbally heckled on live television because some of them say funny things. I don’t like when reporters are assaulted or their personal space is violated, but it’s usually humorous when someone is in the background dancing or saying weird things. Anyway, that was funny and I hope you enjoyed the video.
President Joe Biden’s brain is so far gone that he’s lying about getting arrested on a porch with a black family. His lie is so bad that even the Washington Post fact checked him, saying there’s little to no evidence this ever happened, and they gave him FOUR PINOCCHIOS for the lie. Just think about what else he’s lied about. The WaPo said: The primary source for this story is Biden — and we’ve learned over the years that he is not always a reliable source. He appears to be citing his mother to enhance his civil rights credentials…
This one of those epic viral videos that starts off in the most crazy way, then has you cracking up laughing by the end. This woman is screaming at the airport, demanding for them to call Pete Bootyjudge, and freaking out in the most loud way ever. That’s when she realized she was being taped and that she made a HUGE MISTAKE. Can you guess what the mistake was? She was yelling at the wrong airline! HA! Unlimited L’s posted the video on X with the caption: NEW: Delta Airlines passenger has a MELTDOWN on airport staff and demands…
I thought teachers were supposed to be in the classroom? Welp, here’s a teacher at a protest arguing with a student. I would mark them both absent. What’s the rule that some professors have? If you have three unexcused absences, then you fail the class? Right? Can we fail both the student and the teacher in this case? They both look like completely and utterly insane people just screaming at each other, not even realizing that none of what they do means anything at all. Hey folks, your protests on college campuses to stop a war thousands of miles…
OH THAT’S JUST GREAT! Said no one ever as the iconic San Diego Oceanside is on fire. NBC San Diego had the news report on the pier fire that started around 3pm California time. The news report said: Although smoke obscured the scene, the building at the end of the pier was burning furiously. The structure was once the site of the Ruby’s Restaurant, which has stood empty since the business closed three years ago. As SkyRanger 7 arrived overhead, smoke was blowing onshore the entire length of the structure. “The Oceanside Fire Department is currently engaged in fighting…
Video shows the moment a thug attacked a bus driver as the bus was moving. They get into a very physical confrontation and the driver is strapped in his seat-belt and somewhat limited on how much of an ass-kicking he can deliver. And like a typical scene in America, no one really comes to stop the person who started it all. But wait, there’s more. Did we forget the bus was moving? The driver couldn’t even get his foot on the brakes and guess what happens next? BOOM! The bus crashes into a building. The suspect was arrested and…
Cops are whipping out the rubbers on college students as the protests turn chaotic. The Georgia police are firing rubber bullets and using tasers at Emory University and I feel so bad for the college. No college wants to look this bad on national television or social media, but here’s Emory University looking like a dumpster fire of academia, filled with moron students or hired crowds to spark chaos. Whatever happened to the old days of college where you’d go to class, play sports, join clubs, go get hammered all night, then and show up to class the next…
I keep seeing all these weirdo people protesting at colleges in response to the Israel/Palestine conflict and I noticed some folks dancing. My first thought was that colleges are expensive and these people are paying to go there, just to look stupid on the Internet. Then I saw the dancing at the protest and I was like, “omg, wow, they’re gonna stop killing each other now. Thank God they were dancing at the protest. That f*cking did it! We have peace now!” Nope. Not even close. In fact, these could be the worst protesters I have ever seen. The…
A worker in New York seen wearing a hard hat is being asked about seeing so many Republicans in Manhattan. The guy says it’s not surprising and that “it’s turning now, it’s Trump’s turn again.” The worker is asked for his message to Joe Biden and he says “f-ck you” and walks away. This is exactly how I feel about everyone who voted for Joe Biden.
Here’s a really patient police officer who pulled off a cool knife trick on a suspected thief. She was allegedly caught stealing some DRANKS from the store, but when the cop was trying to question her and find out what’s going on, she took off in the car. That’s when the cop whipped out his trusty piece of metal and stabbed her tire, popping it, making it hard for her to drive away and the rest is history. Imagine being the dumbass who got their tire popped by a cop and they couldn’t drive away fast enough. HA! Stupid!!!
Leave it up to the white liberal weirdos to pull this one off! Now we have drag queen story hour for Palestine. None of this makes any sense whatsoever, but I’m pretty sure someone should do a background check on every parent who dragged their kids to see this nonsense. First of all, kids don’t even know or care about Palestine. They’re kids. They just want to play and be a kid. Second, anyone taking their child to see a drag queen is a groomer. Third, any drag queen who signs up to see kids is a groomer. 4,…
Here’s what happens when you get into a verbal altercation, approach someone a little too close, then get your glasses YEETED off your face. This is impressive because the man who appears to be starting the nonsense has a manbun, so anytime you’re trying to get into fisticuffs with a manbun and you’re not Jason Momoa, then you’re in trouble. The right cross whips those lenses into another dimension and they start brawling. Weak fight overall, but worth a watch for humor purposes.
A married middle school teacher has admit to her alleged crimes and now faces 50 years in jail for the improper relationship she allegedly had with a teen boy student. The former teacher in Virginia’s name is Megan Jordan and she plead guilty to five felonies that for alleged sex acts that took place with a boy student from Hungary Creek Middle School. Megan Jordan got convicted of four of those felony counts – carnal knowlege of a minor, and one extra felony of indecent liberties with a minor, as reported on Crime Online’s news report of the case.…
I just watched the short video clip of President Joe Biden and all the brain-rot people chanting “four more years” and I am pretty sure that Joe read the wrong words on the teleprompter. Why would he say “pause” after saying “four more years” – good question, right? It’s because Joe Biden’s brain is fried like a shrimp and he’s just being pushed around like an elderly puppet. This is practically elder abuse at this point. He should be resting on the beach and enjoying retirement, not reading the teleprompter wrong and smiling after it. My goodness, politics in…
You may have seen all these protests on the news or on social media and this is probably the funniest video of them all. The college students are out in big numbers, dancing in the streets, screaming at the sky, and protesting and at least two of them have NO CLUE WHY they are even there. They literally admit on video that they’re totally clueless on what’s going on, but they want it to stop? Want what to stop? Well, they don’t know! LMFAO!!!! College used to make us smarter, now we’re paying tuition to get dumber. Collin Rugg…
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is the old man screaming at the clouds! He’s asking for social media to remove memes making fun of him because he’s a giant crybaby who can’t take a joke. Once I saw this, I knew I immediately had to make fun of this guy. What a sad, weak man he is. They may have giant bugs in Australia, but they also have a giant WUSS and he’s the PM. Put it this way – if you’re a politician or PM anywhere on the planet, then you’re going to be in memes. It’s part…
Woman on social media talks about how she applied for a job and didn’t get it. She then talks about some other aspects of job hunting. She thinks she didn’t get one job because of her tattoos and I think she’s right about that. Some stores just don’t want someone covered in face tattoos to represent their company or work for them. You can call it discrimination if you want. I just call it preference. Look folks, get all the tattoos you want. That’s your choice. Just remember that when you apply for a job, it’s THEIR CHOICE to…
White House press secretary and chronic liar, KJP, goes on a show to talk about some things like her job. KJP says her job is hard. Yeah, I guess lying all day is pretty hard when you’re trying to keep your stories straight. If KJP was just brutally honest and always told the truth, then her job would be really easy. But of course, the White House under Joe Biden has a Democrat agenda to follow and KJP is part of the puppet show.
Here’s a video of two completely useless and overpaid Democrat politician ‘Squad’ members screaming in the streets. I’m not even sure what they’re screaming about, but I know it’s not productive. Maybe it’s Israel/Palestine stuff, but screaming in the streets of America literally solves nothing overseas. Why don’t they go over there and protest? They would earn their paycheck if they got something meaningful done instead of screaming at a protest in America that cannot do anything about the conflict overseas. If you want to protest the American government, then you go to the White House. If you want…
Rep. Thomas Massie retweeted the video above that shows Democrats waving the wrong flag, betraying America, and disrespecting every single taxpayer in the country. Massie said he was warned about removing the video or he’d be fined. We said we’ll post it for him if that’s the case. Here’s what Rep. Massie said on X: This is the U.S. House of Representatives under the direction of Speaker Mike Johnson. Democrats are celebrating his total capitulation with no victory for securing our border. Instead of fining democrats for waving flags, the House Sergeant at Arms just called and said I…
President Joe Biden vs former President Donald Trump in some random polls on MSNBC might be something Democrats are scared of. Trump seems to be winning these polls on MSNBC, which is funny because of how far left MSNBC has gone over the years. Then again, we all know that polls don’t mean anything and polls are often small samples of people. For example, even a poll of 1,000 people doesn’t say much compared to how many millions of people are in America. Polls are just small samples of people’s opinions that provide talking points for shows or news…
I am tired of these motherf*ckin Democrats on this motherf*ckin plane! This video made me think of Samuel L Jackson’s famous quote from the “Snakes on a Plane” movie. Except, this was no Samuel L Jackson and the only snake on the plane was New York City’s Democrat Mayor Adams! He was confronted on an airplane where a woman yelled “f*ck you” and scolded him for the state of his city. She really ripped him a new one! New York City is having quite a tough time dealing with crime, migrants, and just bad leadership all around. It’s probably…
Reporter Lisa Boothe takes a stand for Donald Trump. She doesn’t want to hear anyone say he’s a threat to Democracy, then she talks about who is the real threat to America. Some recent posts by Lisa Boothe on X said the following: We should be terrified about the future of the country watching these evil little brats at Columbia and elsewhere cheer on terrorists These students at Columbia only underscore why Israel is doing the right thing. Hamas is evil, and so are the people who support them. Will Jewish students be asked to wear a yellow star…
Looks like the American education system is doing great for some, but not for others. Either we messed up when it comes to teaching basic business and economics, or some people just don’t pay attention in class. Either way, this chick from TikTok says “let’s print some more money” and I was like “omg great idea” until I realized that would probably make our dollar worth even less. What happens if we print too much money? If the government prints too much money, people who sell things for money raise the prices for their goods, services and labor. This…
John Fetterman is talking again. That means everyone should listen immediately because he’s either going to make no sense at all, or he’s going to make a lot of sense. There’s no in the middle with John Fetterman. I think you’re going to be on John Fetterman’s side with this one. He’s talking about protesters getting on everyone’s nerves and he calls them an “a**hole.”
We don’t always have two crazy mugshots in one day, but today is the day! This woman, Tiffany Ann Garcia, was arrested for allegedly threatening to kill her mom and sister. Police reports said Tiffany was arguing with her mom and allegedly pushed her. Then the sister tried to get involved and Tiffany, allegedly, got a kitchen knife and threatened to kill them, according to the crime news report on WDPE. The crime report also said: The report states Garcia demanded money from her sister, who said it was on the floor. Garcia allegedly put the knife down momentarily before…
Looks like the Ilhan Omar apple didn’t fall far from the tree. The daughter, Isra Hirsi, 21, says she was pretty much evicted when she was suspended from Columbia University’s Bernard College after she was part of a pro-Palestine protest on the campus. Note, she was suspended, not expelled. There’s a difference. The Hill reported that Hirsi was one of the 100+ students arrested and charged with trespassing for being part of the protests that pretty much no one cares about. They’re protesting Biden’s administrations response to the Israel-Hamas war, but like, they’re doing it at a college campus…
Y’all stay spider free, don’t get no spider bites, out here in the wilderness with them there spiders. This post has nothing to do with the news, but I figured some readers would get a kick out of the southern accent. Where is she from? Tennessee? Is she out there making moonshine on the weekends? Either way, her video is all over the Internet right now, so like, share, and comment on it!
This guy tried to kidnap a boy at an elementary school in Colorado. He was not successful. The report on CBS news says Solomon Galligan, 33, a registered offender, tried walking up to a group of kids and tried to steal one of the boys before heading out of the area. Seems like the people gave Aurora police a description of the man and they found him fairly easily. Solomon Galligan was arrested and charged with the attempted kidnapping. This took place at Black Forest Hills Elementary School located in Aurora. Solomon Galligan is allegedly a previous known offender,…
Letitia James tried pulling a sneaky move against former President Donald Trump. She failed. A judge ruled against Letitia James when she asked them to void Trump’s bond under a technicality, claiming the insurance company wouldn’t have the resources to cover it. Judge pretty much said that Donald Trump’s bond stands, with amendments, as suggested in the video above. I don’t have the full details on what the judge said, but overall it seems to be a slap in the face of Letitia James who was trying to pull a sneaky legal move against the former President. USA Today…
Drivers in America better get ready for the hot gas summer as prices are probably going up. At least two states, PA and NJ, are already experiencing big increases in the last week or so. New Jersey was around the $3.30 mark in my area, but now it’s up over $3.80 as of last night. That’s a 50 cents increase in one week for us. It may have been more, but I don’t feel like going down the street to get the exact number today. I already know it’s not going to make anyone happy. 6ABC reported on gas price…
Word on the streets is that Sheetz is being sued for conducting background checks on employees, so they can screen for criminals. I guess Sheetz just wants to make sure people who work there don’t have a criminal record. It’s almost like Sheetz is protecting their business and their customers, but God forbid they do that. The funny part is that the lawsuit is by federal officials. Wait, the same folks connected to Joe Biden? The same Joe Biden who visited a Sheetz this week – and practically no one there cared to see him? That same fed and…
There sure are a lot of funny people in the world, but the funny person of the day is the Target worker who sent a Bible to the lady who ordered some queer books. Of course, that’s IF this story is true. I’m not sure how valid the story is, because people on social media can make things up for attention and ‘likes’ and we see it all the time. I would need to see some receipts and the packaging before believing this story. But at the same time, I could not care less. I just think it’s hilarious if…
A group of good Samaritans saved a man who was trapped in a burning car in Minnesota on I-94. One of the men, Kadir Tolla, who spoke with Fox9, said “That could be me one day. What would happen if I was in that situation and my life was in the hands of strangers that I don’t even know.. It was just like the scariest moment of my life. This is something that I’ll never forget. I will always remember this.” Great job! Thank you Tolla and the other men and women who helped save the man from the…
Dontia Shawnra Arrington, 26, was charged after the video above showed her beating up a 93-year-old woman with dementia. This took place in the patients room. A family member noticed bruises on the woman, so they installed a nanny cam, and then they busted the younger woman beating their elderly family member like a thug. You can see Dontia Shawnra Arrington beating the woman with what may be a soiled diaper, and then possibly tried to choke the dementia woman, but it’s unclear what her hand was doing in the video. It’s possibly a chokehold, according to Genesee County…
Show host Bill Maher said the hard part out loud and I don’t think Democrats will like this video. Why? Because Bill Maher is basically calling out celebrities and Democrats at the same time, for the same reason. The reasons are pretty bad, so I don’t want to type them on the article – but you’ll see them in the video above.
Cops vs perv with a gun, guess who won! Seattle Police Department released video footage of a sting where a 67-year-old man arrived at a hotel expecting to meet girls aged 7 and 11. First of all, he’s an idiot. Girls that age can’t even rent a hotel room, so there’s that. You need to be over 18. When the perv knocked on the door, that’s when the officers answered and one cop introduced himself. That’s when the creeper pulled out a gun, got into a scuffle with the cops, and they blasted him into oblivion. That’s one for the…
A woman describes the moment some guy told her to get far away before he lit himself on fire somewhat near the courthouse of the Donald Trump trial in New York City. ABC7NY reported on story of the man who lit himself on fire, identifying him in the process: Trump was inside the Lower Manhattan courthouse where jury selection had just been completed shortly after 1:30 p.m. NYPD identified the man as Max Azzarello, 37, of St. Augustine, Florida. He arrived in New York earlier this week. Police said he walked into Collect Pond Park, an area where both…
A woman fends off a robber in a way that left him dumbfounded and running away. The thug approached her in the middle of the day at the University of Chicago and tried to rob her. He pulled a gun and she took the gun away and removed the clip, tossing the clip into a bush. This is the moment the thug knew he messed up. He took off. All the while, some random dude was sitting in the grass witnessing the entire thing happen. People are probably wondering why he didn’t help. Well, because that guy sitting on…
RFK Jr is gonna have a smaller group of people over for Thanksgiving this year after members of his own family turned their back on him to endorse bumbling Joe Biden in the 2024 election. Some people on social media joked about Kerry Kennedy and the family members behind her, asking if they’re inbred. Obviously, it’s just a joke, but people are disgusted with this family who turned their back on their own just to endorse Joe Biden. What a disgrace. Just don’t endorse anyone publicly if you’re going to embarrass your own family member. I wonder if they…
President Joe Biden says it happens all the time as he mentioned someone holding up an ‘F Joe Biden’ sign and a little kid giving him ‘the finger.’ I suppose if it happens all the time, that might be a more than just a sign. It’s a hint that people aren’t very happy with Joe Biden’s leadership and failed diversity circus White House that’s doing so poorly in so many ways. Take the hint, Joe!
President Joe Biden was in Philly and ended up at a Wawa with the failing Democrat mayor, whatever her name is. Joe’s order included a Wawa sandwich with Italian meats, mayo, and mustard, and now I know for sure that I cannot trust anyone connected to Joe Biden. Everyone knows you don’t put mustard on the Italian meats. That’s a huge no. And he got American cheese? No. You get provolone. That’s what you do. Or you go home. End of story! Now just to be honest here – we have no idea if he ordered it or someone…
You know that show ‘Reacher’ with the big buff dude Alan Ritchson? Turns out he’s a giant douche bag. He, a wealthy celebrity who acts out fight scenes and has borderline stupid lines in most movies, maybe because he can’t remember any line longer than like 10 words, and he had the nerve to be talking trash on police officers and saying that cops ‘get away with murder all the time.’ This guy acts out fight scenes while police officers are getting into real fights on a daily basis. I think it’s time for this oversized fake Hulk to sit…
There’s a story going around about ‘furries’ in a middle school. There’s allegedly been a protest and a news report about it. And then there’s me, laughing my ass off at the fact a full grown furry thing is on the news giving her opinion. What a time to be alive, this is hilarious. So what happened with the furries and the protest? I have no idea what really happened because there’s like 12 different narratives going around and they all sound pretty stupid if you want me to be honest. Some folks who are fishing for LIKES on…
Rosie O’Donnell hasn’t been relevant since girls were crying in baseball, but every once in a while the battered-lesbian-looking actress goes on social media to talk trash about former President Donald Trump. And every time Rosie emerges from her personal abyss of misery, she looks ten times worse than the previous video she posted. Is Rosie O’Donnell the broken down face of Trump Derangement Syndrome? Why does she always sound and look so miserable? I know success and money can’t buy happiness, but it’s like she’s not even trying to be happy. I honestly feel bad for her. Oh well.…
Americans are furious after an Indianapolis judge decided that a mother who admit to smothering her infant daughter while high on meth was not guilty. Despite killing her own child high on the meth, this woman was somehow found not guilty – even with an admission. But, before everyone goes into full outrage, it’s important to get the details. The judge said the woman was ‘reluctantly’ setting her free because she was not technically guilty of what they charged her with, however she wasn’t innocent either. The judge suggested she should have been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter or…
President Joe Biden was due to arrive in Philadelphia to accept endorsements from about 15 members of the Kennedy family. However, before Biden even got there, there was already an altercation taking place. Biden is doing this many months ahead of the 2024 election in an attempt to make RFK and Donald Trump look bad by taking endorsements from RFK’s family members. The person slated to make a speech is Kerry Kennedy, RFK’s very own sister. Seems like the Kennedy family is turning their back on their own family member.
One of the jurors dismissed from the Trump trial spoke with MSNBC after she left the courthouse. She commented on Donald Trump’s skin color and how she was in shock seeing him in person up close. NBC News reported on what the dismissed juror said while on MSNBC: One dismissed juror spoke to MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian outside the courthouse following her exit from the case. “Everyone was shocked, everyone was frozen,” said the woman, identified only by her first name, Kat. She recounted the moment she and fellow prospective jurors walked into the room and realized they’d been called…
Didn’t see that coming from a mile away! You’re running a business selling food and delivering it to people, providing a service for people who can’t pick up a pizza, and next thing you know – your delivery driver gets robbed! Well, well, well, what do we have here! A crime, a safety issue, and a major problem that needs to be fixed. So what happens next? Some food places are deciding not to deliver to some neighborhoods where crime is a problem and delivery drivers have been robbed. You’d think that was common sense, right? It is. It’s…
UPDATE: Since I can’t tell if this story is true or not, I did some searching and found some more context and information about the infamous “Uncle Bosie.” This information comes from the New Yorker website from a few years ago. It had some other information about “Uncle Bosie” and said: Biden probably didn’t know the details of Sheene, Sr.,’s death. Family stories get passed down from one generation to the next, like a game of telephone. Over time, the narrative is refined: heroes are made, shameful details are edited out, fables become facts. Biden, in his memoir,…