Welcome to another one of those conservative news blogs where I point out multiple ways Democrats had Americans shaking their darn heads. Everything from illegal bribes from nitwit celebrities, women being injured by men who ruin their sports, kids missing baseball practice because of an illegal invasion, and even Democrats going on national television to LIE to the entire planet without flinching.
You really can’t make this stuff up, folks! It’s so bad right now that you’d think this was some episode of a political comedy show, but sadly it’s real life and real Americans are being impacted by this nonsense on a daily basis. It’s almost like Democrats want an entirely different America devoid of the American dream and turned into the American nightmare. The writers of American Horror Story could have another 12 seasons just by reading the Democrat playbook.
Here are six times in the last week or so that Democrats have been responsible for Americans being fed up and shaking their heads, fists, and empty wallets because we no longer have money thanks to everything being overpriced and outrageous at criminal levels.
- San Francisco appoints a non-citizen who CAN NOT VOTE to an elections commission. This is real news. It really happened. And it really makes no sense. She seems like a nice genuine woman who wants to help people facing a language barrier, but she can’t even vote. They should have made a different job for her, because appointing her to a commission that’s about voting, when she can’t even vote, is like Democrat 101 logic.
- John Oliver tries to bribe Clarence Thomas to resign from Supreme Court. For starters, I think that’s probably illegal. Second, I thought Johnny boy over there was into comedy? If he was going to be funny about this, then try bribing Clarence Thomas with something that’s actually funny, not…. money. Duh.
- Youth baseball player gets a surprise when he finds out illegals have invaded his local rec center. That’s right folks, the rec center in this boy’s town was shut down so they could house hundreds of migrants. Yeah, no thanks. I would rather my kid played baseball and the illegals got a one-way ticket back to their country. Come in legally or don’t come in. It’s that simple.
- Speaking of sports, did you hear the one about the girls high school basketball team who forfeit when several players got injured thanks to an alleged biological male with VISIBLE FACIAL HAIR? Yeah, that’s a new one. How about we remind people to have some common sense and keep these men out of women’s sports? And you know who else is the problem? The girls who accept these men into their sport and are too scared to stand up for themselves. Those girls are either scared or brainwashed, but they need to do better. Otherwise, there won’t be any women’s sports left because men dressed like chicks will just invade every girl sport and take over. If those guys wanted to do us a solid, they could start with the WNBA.
- And the top award for LYING TO AMERICANS on national television goes to Amy Klobuchar. She went right on leftist media and straight up lied to everyone. There is no way that 1) we believe her, and 2) she believes herself. There is no chance she believes anything she’s saying, but she knows she can’t stray from the Democrat playbook of BS. Here’s to you, Amy Klobuchar, the lying pony-faced whatever soldier of the week!
- The best story though? This one goes to Nathan Wade, the ex-lover of Fani Willis. Nathan Wade admit everything he did with Fani Willis and even stormed out of the courtroom! But don’t worry, Nathan says they’re no longer dating, but closer than ever. Yeah, being in a courtroom and getting your story straight might do that to ya, Ched.
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